
We believe in serving the kingdom of God inside the church and serving our communities outside the church. We call that "Making a difference." Step one of joining our volunteer team, AKA "The Crew" at CenterPointe is going through our LaunchPointe class to find out what areas of serving best fit your unique gifts. Text "Serve" to 270-355-7700 for more info!

About the class

This engaging and exciting class will examine what it means to truly believe in Christ, introduce you to the community of CenterPointe Church, its leaders and structure, as well as acclimating you to our unique beliefs and teachings. This is all about taking "Next steps" into the life of the church and moving you from casual attender to member of the family!  To find out about our next class, text "Serve" to 270-355-7700! 

Step One: Believe!

We want you to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ and understand what it means to believe in him!

Step Two: Belong! 

Not only do we want you to belong to God's family, but we desire you to belong to the CPC family as well! 

Step Three: Become!

God has placed a calling and purpose inside the heart of every person. You are called to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Step 3 is about becoming who God designed you to be. 

Step Four: GO!

Once you have completed steps 1 through 3, you are ready to be "all in" at CenterPointe! You will meet with leaders in the serve areas you're most interested in and schedule a shadow day to explore your interests! 

Register for the Class

Text "Serve" to 270-355-7700 for more information about  LaunchPointe, or click below to contact us!